Posts Tagged ‘art’

Sign in space

28th February 2013 Обзоры | Tags: , ,

A Sign in Space, sandprint at Laga beach, Sense & Sustainability, Art biennale, Urdaibai, Spain. A graphic star-pattern composed of truck tires is printed as a relief on the sand at Laga beach during low tide. At high tide the pattern will slowly vanish as the tide rises. The printed pattern is made with a [...]

Natalia Rak was born in 1986. She starts to paintin age of 10 years. Graduated of Fine Arts in Lodz (Poland) and live and work in Warsaw. She is a painter, illustrator, graphic designer and street artist.

Alexey Mednoy was born and raised in Ivanovo (Russia), but last years moved to Moscow. He is more concentrated on art works with canvases and computer graphic. But in in the past he was a crewmamber of famous russian graffiti crew SAP13.

Александре Фарто aka Александре Фарто – молодой (1987 г.р.) уличный художник из Лиссабона. Диапазон его работ простирается от коллажей до портретной живописи, но больше всего он известен своими рельефными портретами простых людей на стенах зданий. Александре самый молодой художник которого представляет стрит-арт агентство Бэнкси. В возрасте 13 лет он начал рисовать на поездах жд линии [...]

Alex Kuznetsov was born 1978 in Belarus, also known as White Russia, and has since about 15 years been representing in the streets as one of the first writers from the old USSR. These last years he has come a long way, developing himself creatively within graffiti and design, and on a constant search for [...]

Новая живописная серия зимних работ от граффити-художника Remo (Серпухов), смотрите подборку вместе с комментариями автора в продолжении: Remo: “Давно были мысли выполнить серию работ на тему о теплом и беззаботном детстве, детстве людей рожденных в СССР, о том чего уже никогда не будет и чего не вернуть. Соответственно мне захотелось это все связать с русской зимой, [...]

Mad C canvases

13th November 2012 Обзоры | Tags: , , , ,

All of them are pretty big and painted with a mix of acrylic paint, spray paint and ink on canvas.

New works from young talanted graffiti writer and illustrator Qbic from Kazan, Russia.