Alex Kuznetsov was born 1978 in Belarus, also known as White Russia, and has since about 15 years been representing in the streets as one of the first writers from the old USSR.
These last years he has come a long way, developing himself creatively within graffiti and design, and on a constant search for personal style.
Along the road of his artistic travels he has used many different names: Iks, Temos, Monk, Awek, Ners and Liquid. He has presented his lettering on stickers, stencils and murals in many different cities around Europe, different countries of ex Soviet Union and Asia. Within this personal development looking for the right road to walk down, he also has been truly active in discussions and conversations with other artists around the subject of new styles and forms of communication.
It was back in 2010 when he more definitely moved from the world of graffiti and “style writing” to create more art on canvas with its abstract features.
He had his first experiences of making murals in Hong Kong, and more profoundly, through his canvas work in studio. This is where he discovered how to transmit true passion and emotion through color, with his lines and movements loaded of expressivity on superimposed layers.
It just happened one day, without any warning, and until today he maintains to transmit these vibrations from within himself.
Opening the 7th of february 2013 from 20.00. Running from the 8th of february until 9th of march 2013.